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5 Ways to Repurpose your Webinar into 10+ pieces of content

by Nathan Hathaway, updated on Apr 23, 2024

Planning and hosting a webinar takes time...

….and it’s too much effort to let your content collect dust in a corner. There are so many formats to host your webinars from educational/training to panel discussions, live demos. With any of these webinar formats, you are bound to have a plethora of new material and data that can be used in other ways. Making your webinar content easy to repurposed into other content maximizes the value from your event.

This brings us to the topic of this article: Repurposing your webinar content.

The more content you can squeeze out of a single webinar, the better your ROI. Using analytics captured and informational knowledge from polls and Q&A's you can find what resonated with your audience during your webinar. This makes sure you are repurposing the very best bits of your live stream into differentiating content forms that are a safe bet to see great engagement.

Why should I repurpose my webinars?

52% of marketing professionals incorporate webinars into their content marketing strategy but on average only 20% of that content is repurposed, that's a lot of meat left on the bone. The best marketers have realized that repurposing webinar content regularly to multiply their output and drill down their message is a game-changer.

1. Maximize the reach of your webinars

Everyone consumes content differently, one person may prefer to watch an in-depth talk on a subject, whereas another person may resonate more with facts and highlights. With this in mind, spreading your webinar content into different formats offers maximum reach and effectiveness. By repurposing your webinar content, you could increase your audience reach by up to 75%.

2. Save time on your content creation

Coming up with new ideas constantly is stressful, especially when you have a content calendar to fill (and even more if you have a small marketing team). Using repurposed webinar content to fill in the gaps is a great way to relieve the pressure while still putting out high-quality content. A repurposed piece of content can be 10-25% the investment as a brand-new piece for just as good of an output quality.

3. Gain in-depth understanding of your audience

Most content strategies will have similar goals in mind; increase reach, build trust or generate leads are the most common. By diversifying your content, you are able to see which type of content works best for each part of your strategy. This can also help you find new channels or formats that work well with your audience, and could lead to experimenting and opening a brand-new channel with a lot less effort. Knowledge is power.

4. People share authentic insights

When speaking live, people let themselves go, sharing personal stories and anecdotes that make for great more personal and more authentic content. This information is often left out of conventional, algorithm-optimized content and is a great way to create a piece of content that stands out.

Ok, you’ve convinced me to repurpose. But how can I do that?

How to repurpose your webinars

In essence, repurposing a webinar (or any piece of content at that) means adapting it to a different:

  • Platform or channel
  • Format or type of content
  • Stage of the buyer's journey

It's important to keep in mind the objective and destination of a repurposed piece of content. A TikTok style video probably won't have the same effect on your website. And a transcript turned into a long-form piece of content won't work well on LinkedIn.

The core message should stay relatively the same. However, feel free to add a bit more info to make it valuable to the people who attended the webinar too.

Some of the best webinar tools were built with repurposing in mind, allowing you to take your full-length webinar and turn it into different formats for different platforms or stages of the buyer's journey. Contrast for example lets you extract a transcript, audio file, full chat history and create clips and snippets. Sign up for free and create easy-to-repurpose webinars in minutes.

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5 way to repurpose your webinar content


Starting off with the most obvious but even just having the replay on-demand is a form of repurposing. On demand replays account for a 36% increase in views, we even see as high as 50% for some customers who tailor their after event emails. The best webinar tools automatically record your webinar, then shows the replay on the same link after the event ends.

Social teasers & short clips

Different types of content ensure you are playing to every preference, shorty form video content is on the rise. Attention spans are shorter than ever, research by Microsoft Corp has shown that people today start to lose concentration after 8 seconds. Damn you TikTok.

Turn a 45-minute webinar into multiple short form clips. 92% of businesses say social media content is a critical part of their content marketing approach. Webinars are a rich source of those sweet, social teasers. You could also reuse clips in promotion for your next webinar which is proven to increase sign-ups or even create content for sales to use within the purchase cycle.

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Podcasts are an easy way for businesses to find new audiences, people can search for podcasts on a specific topic and access them in seconds. Plus, your audience can listen to them anywhere. Simply take the audio and upload to Google Podcasts, Apple podcasts or Spotify.

Pro Tip: allows you to post to all 3 at the same time!

Blog post

Who doesn’t have a blog? Using both the research and planning you’ve already done for a webinar to create a blog post on the subject is another great way to repurpose your webinar. Using the transcript of the actual webinar as the base of a post, next level.

Screenshot that shows Repurpose Ai from Contrast, a webinar platform
Turn your webinar easily into new content with Ai

Turn comments and poll results into social posts

Nothing sells like social proof! Sharing the results of a recent poll you have run on LinkedIn is a great conversation starter. Can also turn questions from the chat into an Async Q&A, blog post or video.

Take away

Being a good marketer comes down to constantly looking for new, relatable content and utilizing the different platforms in which to display your content. Finding ways to supplement your main efforts will free up time that you can spend on the most important tasks.

Producing 4 pieces of content from 1 webinar is easy, if you have the right tool.

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