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Mastering Sales Webinars for Growth (With Examples)

by Maxim Poulsen, updated on May 24, 2024

Webinars are key to great sales strategies. They let you reach and engage a large audience at once, making them great for generating high-quality leads.

91% of B2B professionals say webinars are their preferred type of content. If you’re in B2B sales this is a no-brainer. Sales webinars help turn passive listeners into active leads and potential buyers.

In this blog, we'll show you how to set up and run sales webinars that drive growth. Let’s dive in!

Strategic Planning for Sales-driven Webinars

Start with a solid plan to make sure your sales webinars hit their targets. Here’s how to strategically plan every detail for maximum impact:

Choosing Topics That Drive Sales

When you plan a sales webinar, picking the right topic is the first step. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Address specific needs: Focus on your audience's biggest challenges. For example, if you're targeting marketers, try topics like:
  • "Effective Social Media Marketing"
  • "Mastering Google Ads for ROI"
  • "SEO Basics for Small Businesses"
  • "Content Marketing Strategies That Work"
  1. Interactive and how-to content: People love learning by doing. Webinars that guide attendees through a process keep the audience engaged.

Some ideas include:

  • “How to Use [your product/service] to do [pain point it solves]
  • "How to Conduct Market Research"
  • "Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Email Campaigns"
  • "How to Create Engaging Video Content"
  • "Building Your First Website: A Beginner's Guide"
  1. Current and trendy topics: Making use of trends can attract a larger crowd. 


  • How [trend] is Impacting [your industry]
  • How we’re approaching [trend] at [your company]
  • "Implications of AI in Marketing"
  • "The Rise of Influencer Marketing"
  • "Blockchain Basics and Its Impact on Business"
  • "Sustainability Trends in Business"
  1. Productivity and personal development: Given changes in work environments, topics around productivity or professional growth resonate well. 

Examples include:

  • "Building Resilience in Challenging Times"
  • "Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals"
  • "Improving Work-Life Balance"
  • "Personal Branding for Career Growth"
  1. Involvement of thought leaders: Featuring industry influencers can boost your webinar's appeal. 

For instance:

  • "Marketing Trends with [Industry Expert]"
  • "Future of Tech: A Panel Discussion"
  • "Expert Roundtable: Best Sales Practices"
  • "Industry Insights with [Thought Leader]"
  1. Customer needs and post-sale support: Topics that help customers maximize their purchases and drive engagement among existing customers. These sessions are valuable, not just sales pitches.

Try topics like:

  • "Maximizing ROI with [Your Product]"
  • "Advanced Features of [Your Product] Explained"
  • "Customer Success Stories: How [Your Product] Transformed Their Business"
  • "Getting Started with [Your Product]: Tips and Tricks"

Selecting the Right Speakers for Engaging Sales Webinars

Find speakers who will attract, engage, and teach your audience. Here's how:

  • Credibility and expertise: Go for speakers well-respected in the industry for their skills and expertise. This makes your audience trust and listen to them right from the start. 
  • Alignment with webinar goals: The speaker should be aligned with the goal of your webinar. Ultimately, that’s sales. But there might also be smaller goals along the way, like getting attendees to agree to a future product demo. If the speaker works at your company they’re likely already aligned with that goal. But if you’re using external speakers for sales webinars, make sure you clearly outline the goal of the webinar and check that they’re on board with it. Try and align incentives where possible. This could be done through lead-sharing agreements or another mechanism. 
  •  Engagement skills: You need speakers who can keep things lively. They should be able to capture the audience’s attention and keep the energy up from start to finish.For instance, a speaker who uses stories and examples can engage a crowd. They can also simplify complex topics.
  •  Interactive approach: Choose speakers who use Q&A sessions, polls, and discussions. This makes the webinar more fun and keeps people involved.
  • Preparation and professionalism: Good speakers practice a lot. They know the tech well and are ready for the show. This means no tech problems during your webinar.
  • Personal connection: Speakers who share their own stories make the webinar feel more real and interesting. This makes the session stick in the minds of the audience. For example, a speaker's personal experiences can make the topic more relatable.
  • Testimonials and past reviews: Look at what people have said about the speakers before. Good reviews mean they can engage and teach people well.

Scheduling for Maximum Attendance

To get more people to your webinar, pick a time and day that works for them. Here’s how to choose optimal webinar times:

  • Best days: Thursdays work best for live webinars. Wednesdays and Fridays are good too. Most people show up on these days. So, aim for the middle to the end of the week.
  • Best times: Noon and 2 PM are prime times in your audience’s local timezone. These times can boost your attendance by about 6-10%. For a global audience, try scheduling from 11 AM to 2 PM in the main timezone to reach as many people as possible.
  • Know your audience: Get to know when your audience is free. If you match the webinar time to when they are usually available, more will likely join in.
  • Time zone: If your audience is global, think about different time zones. You might need to segment your webinars by region or find a time that works for everyone.
  • Try and learn: There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Test different times and days to see what works best for your crowd. Use what you learn to pick better times for future webinars.

Who to Invite to Your Sales Webinars

Knowing who to invite lets you customize the content. This boosts attendance and makes your webinar a hit.

Here’s how to choose the best crowd:

  • Everyone in your audience: The easiest option is to start wide. Invite anyone who may be interested in your topic. This includes people from all parts of your market.
  • Leads on the fence: Do you have leads who haven’t converted yet? A webinar might just be the push they need. Show them what they're missing out on!
  • Target specific groups: Split your target audience into smaller segments. It could be by job role, industry, or company size. Make your webinars specific to their needs.
  • Your current customers: Don’t overlook your existing customers. Webinars can show them new products or updates and boost renewals.
  • Use your data: Look at your CRM. Who’s been opening your emails? Who’s interacted with your content? These people are likely to attend and engage in your webinar.

Quick tip: When inviting people, tailor your message to match their interests. Personalization shows you understand them.

Leveraging Platform Features for Sales Goals

With Contrast, you can host effective and engaging sales webinars. Our webinar platform’s features help you connect with your audience and drive sales.

  • Interactive polls and surveys: Use polls to keep your audience engaged. Quick polls give you instant insights into what your audience thinks. They let you adapt your presentation in real time.
  • Q&A sessions: Address specific questions from your audience using Contrast’s Q&A feature. This direct interaction makes your webinar more engaging and relevant.
  • Live chat: Build a sense of community during your webinar with live chat. This lets attendees interact with each other and with you.
  • Screen sharing and whiteboards: Visual aids are key. Screen sharing lets you walk your audience through material or demonstrate products live. 
  • Recording and playback: Contrast record your webinars automatically by default so that you can make them available on-demand. Our data shows that a whopping 63% of webinar views are on-demand. This extends the life of your content and broadens your reach.
  • Analytics and reporting: After your webinar, we provide detailed analytics and reporting. You can see which parts engaged your audience the most and identify areas of drop-off. This data is essential for refining your strategy and making future webinars more effective.
  • Custom branding: Our custom branding options make your webinar look professional. This helps you build brand awareness with every slide and word. 

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Use-cases for effective sales webinars

Webinars can be a powerful tool for many sales-oriented objectives. By using webinars strategically, you can not only drive sales but also build a stronger relationship with your customers. Here are some key use-cases to illustrate how you can leverage sales webinars effectively:

Product Demonstrations

Webinars are perfect for showcasing new or complex products live. You can walk through the features as your audience watches, helping them see the benefits firsthand.

Live product demonstrations allow immediate feedback. Attendees can ask questions in real time, and you can address their concerns on the spot. This direct interaction helps clear any doubts. When potential customers see the product in action, it becomes easier to visualize its benefits and applications. Interest grows, and decisions get made faster.

For example, Contrast users, AVOXI, use a webinar to showcase its Call Insights Dashboards. The webinar demonstrated the product's capabilities and how it could solve common issues quickly.

AVOXI webinar promo for Call Insights Dashboards.
A product demo webinar hosted by Avoxi

Educational Webinars for Long Sales Cycles

Sales cycles can be long in industries like tech or B2B services. Webinars are useful for educating potential clients over time. 

Regular educational webinars position your company as a thought leader. By consistently providing valuable information, you build trust with your audience. This trust is crucial in long sales cycles where decision-making takes time.

Educational webinars also help nurture leads until they are ready to buy. This ongoing engagement helps move leads down the sales funnel. Over time, these well-nurtured leads are more likely to convert into customers.

Bedrock Learning used Contrast to host a webinar on writing composition strategies. Ellie Ashton, a senior English specialist, discussed writing development strategies. Attendees learned about Bedrock's education commitment.

Bedrock Learning webinar graphic on teaching writing composition strategies.
Bedrock Learning’s on-demand webinar on composition strategies

Customer Onboarding and Retention

Webinars are key to onboarding new customers. They help new users understand and use your product effectively. Webinars also keep customers up to date on new features and updates, keeping them happy and reducing churn. used Contrast to demonstrate their virtual concierge in a webinar. The demo explained how their customers can take advantage of a particular feature. It helps new customers get started and explains the platform's long-term value.

Webinar screenshot from
An onboarding webinar from

Special Offers and Launches

Launching special offers or promotions through webinars can boost sales. You can reach a large audience at once and create excitement around new offers or limited-time deals.

The live format creates a sense of urgency and excitement that drives immediate sales. The interactive nature of webinars makes them ideal for launching promotions. You can engage with the audience, answer their questions, and persuade them to benefit from the offer.

For example, Gorgias used Contrast to host a webinar to launch new automation features. They showed how to use these features and managed a live Q&A. This approach got people excited and encouraged immediate sign-ups.

Screenshot of a Gorgias webinar
A product launch webinar from Gorgias

Maximizing Your Results Through Great Sales Webinars

Enhancing Participant Engagement

Start with interactive elements like polls and Q&As. These keep your audience active and give you live feedback to tailor your presentation on the fly. Make sure to address questions as they come up. This back-and-forth keeps the energy up and makes attendees feel like part of the conversation, not just spectators.

Contrast’s webinar studio showing speakers, a poll, and live chat interactions.
Contrast’s Webinar Studio makes it easy to manage webinars

Contrast offers engagement features to help. Here's how you can keep everyone hooked:

  • Use our polling feature to check interest and adjust your talk to better fit the audience.
  • Leverage Q&As to keep the discussion lively and relevant.
  • Contrast's screen sharing and video integration help explain complex points more clearly.

These strategies help keep a lively atmosphere. They make your webinar feel like a workshop, not a lecture.

For more tips, check out our guide on how to capture audience attention during a webinar.

Effective Follow-up Strategies

The conversation shouldn't end when your webinar does. Sending a thank-you email within 24 hours keeps the dialogue open.

Attach the recording and extra resources like slides or articles. This webinar follow-up is your chance to reinforce the webinar's key messages and guide attendees to the next steps.

To follow up effectively:

  • Send that thank-you email quickly to keep their engagement high.
  • Clearly state what you want attendees to do next. Whether it’s signing up for more info, downloading another piece of content, or scheduling a demo. Make the action clear and easy.

Providing these resources keeps attendees engaged, turning one-time attendees into long-term contacts.

Leveraging Webinar Analytics for Improvement

After your webinar, use Contrast's free analytics to measure webinar success

Screenshot of Contrast's analytics dashboard showing viewer and watch time statistics
Contrast offers free webinar analytics for all live webinars and uploaded videos

Look for patterns in audience engagement—what kept their attention, and where did you lose them? Use this data to fine-tune your approach for next time.

Key areas to analyze:

  • High-engagement points to replicate those elements in future webinars.
  • Conversion rates for each call to action to gauge and improve their effectiveness.
  • Feedback from post-webinar surveys to improve your content and presentation style.

Knowing these insights lets you customize and improve your webinars. It makes each one more effective than the last.

Using Technology that Integrates

Whatever webinar platform you choose, make sure it integrates well with your CRM. Most sales teams live inside their CRM all day. Your webinar platform should connect directly to it and pass valuable data into it. Account Executives can then take action on that data. 

Contrast has a built-in integration with HubSpot that users love. It's the top-rated HubSpot integration on the marketplace. We pass webinar data into HubSpot as custom properties so that Sales and Marketing teams can build custom Sequences and Workflows based on it. You can also connect your data to other CRMs through Zapier and Make. 

Default Contrast properties passed into HubSpot via the Contrast + HubSpot integration
Contrast offers free webinar analytics for all live webinars and uploaded videos


Choosing relevant topics, engaging the right speakers, and using effective promotional strategies are key to successful sales webinars. These elements make your webinars more engaging and drive better results.

Contrast's platform supports sales webinars through its interactive features and integration capabilities. It helps boost engagement and drive sales.

Ready to apply what you've learned? You can create a free Contrast account and set up your first sales webinar in minutes. 

contrast analytics

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FAQ About Sales Webinars

Can I repurpose content from my sales webinars?

Yes, repurposing webinar content is highly effective. You can turn your sales webinar into a series of blog posts, create short video clips for social media, or develop the content for any other format. This extends the life of your content and maximizes your investment.

Should I charge for attending my sales webinars?

Charging depends on your goals. Free webinars can attract a larger audience, ideal for lead generation. Paid webinars, however, can be beneficial for offering specialized knowledge or intensive training, adding perceived value. At that point though, you’ve already made a sale. You could use that small sale to lead into your main offer though. 

What is the best length for a sales webinar?

Aim for 30-45 minutes. Those webinars have 5% higher live attendance rates than 60 minute webinars. 

Should I use a script for my webinar?

A script can help keep you on track, but don’t read it word-for-word. Practice enough so you can speak naturally and engage with your audience.

Run the Best Sales Webinars in your Industry

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